
The 27th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) & 2024 Annual Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease Chinese (ADC) provides exceptional opportunities for exposure across the dementia research community. We invite you to submit your paper to showcase your work alongside numerous other cutting-edge studies. Present your research to a global audience of dementia experts and connect with influential leaders to shape the future of the field.

Submission Guidelines

The conference will be held from Oct 25th, 2024 to Oct 27th, 2024.
The first-round submission deadline is on July 30, 2024.
All paper submissions will be submitted on-line to be peer-reviewed by an international panel of experts. Please note that all papers will be checked by a plagiarism detecting software so that papers that exceed a threshold of coincidence will not be passed on for reviews. Only PDF files will be accepted.

Submit a Symposium Proposal

In line with our commitment to fostering knowledge exchange and collaborative learning, we are inviting proposals for symposia on dementia care and prevention. Selected symposia will be curated to ensure a comprehensive and diverse program that promotes interdisciplinary dialogue and enhances understanding of dementia care and prevention.

Symposium Format

- Each symposium will be 90 minutes long.
- We recommend a maximum of 5 speakers per symposium.
- Each speaker will have 15 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A.

Proposal Requirements

Please submit your proposal outlining the following details:
- Symposium Title: A clear and concise title reflecting the session's focus.
- Symposium organizer: Include the organizer’ name, affiliation, email, and a brief bio highlighting their expertise relevant to the topic.
- Speaker Suggestions: Include the proposed speaker's name, affiliation, email, and a brief bio highlighting their expertise relevant to the topic.
- Presentation Topics: For each suggested speaker, provide a title and a brief abstract (maximum 150 words) summarizing the key points to be addressed.
- Rationale: Explain why this symposium is important, its relevance to the conference themes, and what unique insights or advancements it will bring to light.
Submission Deadline: August 31, 2024
Notification of acceptance: August 15, 2024

Themes and Topics

All contents related to basic research, clinical practice, nursing care, society, family and policy of cognitive impairment belong to the scope of call for papers of this conference.

The conference will focus on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to: epidemiology and risk factors of cognitive disorders, genetics, biomarkers, cognitive psychology, neuroimaging, neuropathology, neurophysiology, clinical diagnosis and treatment, non-pharmacological interventions, basic experimental research, clinical drug trials, case discussions, care and nursing, standards and guidelines, nutrition, safety, social services and family care, as well as health policy, ethics, and legal issues.

In addition to scientific research, we encourage and welcome experts and teams from fields such as neuropsychology, social work, geriatric psychiatry, and health economics to participate in the conference, regardless of whether submit research papers.

This inclusive event aims to integrate insights from clinical practices, care strategies, policy-making, patient advocacy groups, and economic analysis to enrich the dialogue and promote a comprehensive understanding and advancements in the field of Alzheimer’s Disease. By encouraging non-contributing attendees, we aim to foster an environment of collaboration and learning, where professionals can share ideas, engage in discussions, and possibly initiate collaborative projects.