Welcome Address

Professor Hengge Xie, MD
Professor Xiancang Ma, MD

Welcome Address

On behalf of the Alzheimer's Disease Chinese (ADC), I would like to welcome all of you to attend "The 27th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International & Annual Conference of ADC", which will be held from 24 to 27 October 2024, in Xi'an China.

Under the theme of "Participation, Cooperation, Progress", the upcoming conference will provide an optimal communication opportunity for scientists, doctors, nurses, social workers and caregivers, as well as related institutions and groups who are working on patients with dementias. We particularly focus on Asia but also welcome people from the rest of the world to join us.

It will be exciting to see how the conference attracts so many enthusiastic participants to meet in Xi'an as family members of Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI). You will enjoy meeting new friends and exchange ideas and experiences.

Xi'an is the ancient capital of China for six dynasties and the starting point of the ancient Silk Road. The famous Terracotta Warriors of Qin Shihuang are located here. Joining us, you will experience the unique feeling of Xi'an's long history and modern development.

I welcome you all to Xi'an.
