
The 27th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI) & 2024 Annual Conference of Alzheimer's Disease Chinese (ADC)

On October 24th, we warmly welcome all attendees to register for the conference. This day is dedicated to attendee check-in at the hotel, settling in, and becoming acquainted with the conference venue. You may also engage in informal activities to relax and prepare for the exciting days ahead.

Please note that the formal sessions of the conference will commence on October 25th. We look forward to an engaging and productive series of discussions and presentations. Thank you for your participation and cooperation.

Main Hall Xianyang Hall 2-1 Weinan Hall 2-5 Baoji Hall 2-6 Hall 2-9 Xi'an Hall on the first floor
08:30-09:30 Opening Ceremony
09:30-10:00 Coffee Break
10:00-12:00 Plenary Lectures
12:00-13:30 Lunch
12:15-13:15 Satellite Symposium Satellite Symposium Satellite Symposium Satellite Symposium Satellite Symposium Satellite Symposium
Dementia awareness, knowledge and stigma in the Asia Pacific AD Diagnosis and Treatment Innovation Forum 1 Prevention and risk reduction of dementia: World-Wide FINGERS Network and MIND-China Late-life mood disorders Forum on the Integration and Collaboration of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine(in English)
Coffee Break
Optimising support for carers of people with dementia by implementing the World Health Organization’s iSupport for Dementia Program AD Diagnosis and Treatment Innovation Forum 2 Advances in Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis (in English) and Latest Research Progress in Precise Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease in 2024 Innovations in old age mental healthcare
Forum on the Integration and Collaboration of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine(in Chinese)
18:00-20:00 Welcome Dinner

Xianyang Hall 2-1 Weinan Hall 2-5 Baoji Hall 2-6 Hall 2-9 Xi'an Hall on the first floor
08:30-10:00 Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST): implementation and recent development among Chinese people living with dementia Neuroimaging Studies of Dementia 1 Symposium Cognitive assessment for neurocognitive disorders Cognitive Care(in Chinese)
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-12:00 Regional Adaptations of the WHO iSupport Manual for Dementia Care: Bridging Cultural and Practical Gaps Neuroimaging Studies of Dementia 1 Young Physicians' Paper Presentations(in English) Behaviors in cognitive disorders
Chairs: Chun Wei Chang (Taiwan)
Donghui Wu (Shenzhen Mental Health Center)
Dementia-Friendly Built Environment (Chinese Session)
Chair: Dr. Han Han (China Electronics Engineering Design Institute Co., LTD)
12:00-13:30 Lunch
12:15-13:15 Satellite Symposium Satellite Symposium Satellite Symposium Satellite Symposium Satellite Symposium
13:30-15:00 Young Physicians Paper Presentation (in English) Symposium ADC Outstanding Cognitive Impairment Case Selection (in Chinese) STEP Workshop Local Practice of Promoting Dementia Care and Prevention(in Chinese)
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:30 Plenary Lectures
16:30-17:00 Closing Ceremony